Sunday, 26 July 2009

Starting again.. Back at the gym.

I have slipped BIGTIME!! I've been trying to keep it together since something awful happened with our son, I let it all get on top of me and didn't have the time and inclination to carry on running.. My clothes are getting tighter now and I thought I could just let things fester or get up and start again, so then at least something would go in my favour.

Today after indulging yet again in the demon wine last night I put on my gym stuff and went for it.. 40 minutes on the treadmill (run 3-4 mins and fast walk 2 mins), then X trainer on hill on 5 for 20 mins. Nothing too pushing as I've learnt in the past that too much all at once will do my back in.

So hopefully this is the day I break my bad habits and try to get on top of things at home!

Watch this space ;)