Wednesday, 21 July 2010

A day late but 3 1/4 lbs off (3 1/2 stones so far)

Well the SEVEN weeks holidays are here and fitting in the running is more of a challenge. I did a 5 mile run on Monday and didn't push myself too much as my ankle and hamstring was a bit tight, but on Tuesday (yesterday) I did 40 mins fartlek on the treadmill and only 10 mins on the X trainer (had to cut it short as it was the holidays and didn't have much time). I did though go to a step circuit class in Llanishen LC for an hour later in the day when Ian got back from work. It was a nice change and a chance to work on my top half with the weights, and catch up with the instructor who I haven't seen in years.

So just a quick blog to say I've lost 3 1/2 stones now and am chuffed :-)

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

2 lbs off this week :-)

Also got some good runs under my belt and some new routes, one being Hendre lake as seen on the pictures. My new belt is fine now, I've adjusted it and it's snug around my waist so no "chaffing", and the water bottle is staying put. I've pinched Ian's old portable radio and am listening more to the radio now for a change.

Just got back from a 8 1/2 mile run in the rain, I wore a black top as my hair is a nightmare and is still running *tsk*.. the only thing is by mile 5 my hamstring was hurting on my right leg, I think with my bad toe I've been over using it and not running properly and it's got tired. My toe is now fine so I'm trying to use my left leg more to push off from. I'll see what it's like tomorrow and make a decision about running or have it as a "rest day".

Yesterday was a good session at the gym, 40 mins fartlek on the treadmill and 20 mins on the X trainer (number 10, on hills), then 40 minutes weights and 100 sit ups. Must get the top half evened out now as I'll be like popeye on the bottom halfand wimpy on the top lol. Will try the 10 mile run this week down to Newport and back, have to get up to 13 for the Half marathon in October!!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Another weigh in success :-)

*I thought I'd add a picture of myself "pre run" standing awkwardly in my very cluttered kitchen*

After last weeks 1.5 lb loss (which I was very pleased about) I was hoping for more this week as I'd put in a lot of running. So standing on the scales this morning I found I'd lost 5lbs!!!! I'm over the moon, I think it goes to show running is the best weight loss exercise and the most enjoyable (in my book anyways).

I popped into Moti (running shop) in Albany road yesterday to ask them about water bottles and camelpaks etc. I ended up with a running belt (I did have another one but can't find it)and a bottle which fits snuggly in the "holster" .. or so I thought. I went out today for a run and it started working it's way out of the holster and became every annoying, every position it bounced and was uncomfortable. So after all that I was back to square one holding a heavy uncomfortable fiddly water bottle. On the plus side I had some hydrating tablets to put in my water which made the difference as I'm always thirsty and I did feel better for it.

Also on a plus side I did push myself (after yesterdays 1 hour circuits class and 40 mins of fartlek training on the treadmill), and managed over 13K which is over 8 1/2 miles. I did feel it towards the end as I was pretty stiff from yesterdays sessions. It was a lovely run down to Roath park, around and back. Lots of scenery and sunshine..

So a rest day tomorrow to let my aching bones recover!