Went on a 7.4K run yesterday (didn't want to do a long one as I was off to a step class in the night)and found myself almost sprinting towards the end. No stopping on the hills and could have gone on much longer, now a few months back I would have been stop/start etc but I'm so pleased with my progress. I'm logging all my runs on motionbase so I can see where I'm improving.
So my mum ended up watching the children and I went to a step class last night in Maindy.. Being competitive I ended up upping the step and really went for it, I was going to do boxercise afterwards but was knackered and needed to take my mum back to Penarth.
I really need to get some new clothes as everything hangs like a sack on me, I have to yank up my trousers and even fold them over!! At least I have my sports bottoms from when I was running last time and they fit..
A long day today,popping in to see my friend tonight until the girls finish their trampoline lessons, might go for a run later but might use it as a rest day as I didn't get much sleep and want to avoid injury..
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Rest day
Well not really I have loads to do but a rest day regarding the running.
Last night I did over a 9K run (5.73 miles) more of a recovery run, got lost most of the way as the pavements kept running out and I had to cross the road constantly. I felt very tired as I'd already had a long day with the kids etc and didn't eat properly so was running on empty. Tomorrow when I train I'll make sure I have a huge bowl of porridge with golden syrup before I set off.
Last night I did over a 9K run (5.73 miles) more of a recovery run, got lost most of the way as the pavements kept running out and I had to cross the road constantly. I felt very tired as I'd already had a long day with the kids etc and didn't eat properly so was running on empty. Tomorrow when I train I'll make sure I have a huge bowl of porridge with golden syrup before I set off.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
A 13.5k in the sun.

A beautiful day for a run in the sun with some new music on my MP3. The downside was the bloomin' pavement ran out on the other side of the road back from Newport!! So I had a mile of grass with potholes so had to fast walk it and then my middle toe on my left foot decided to hurt..
In the end after clearing the never ending potholed grass I ran the last 2 miles back, I was disappointed as my time was good until then.. but on the plus side I have now run the furthest since I got back into running in February.. Got in downed a pint of squash and 2 mugs of tea and a boiled egg and soldiers ...*bliss*
Then decided to mow the two lawns while I was on a roll.. Had a nice warm bath tonight to avoid achy bones tomorrow. Can't wait to map my next route tomorrow.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Running the day after Curry and wine..
Is a bloody bad idea! Headed off for a 10K this morning down to Roath park and back and felt a bit iffy.. I got as far as Burger King on Newport road (on the way back from Roath park) and had to use their loo.. 5 minutes later back on the road and ran the rest of the way home. A very hungover and curry bound run today, at least I completed it..
I thought I'd try some Reflexology today too at the Halcyon Daze £20 for an hours worth. It was pleasant and relaxing but I might try some other "treats" to help myself destress, they have a lot on offer there too.. Still feeling a bit rough even now, so having some fish in butter sauce and steamed veg and plenty of water.. Ian got me a running mag and they have a few runs in Cardiff to follow so I'll be doing those routes in the future..
Roll on tomorrow, I'm going to try an 8-10 miler to Newport and back..
I thought I'd try some Reflexology today too at the Halcyon Daze £20 for an hours worth. It was pleasant and relaxing but I might try some other "treats" to help myself destress, they have a lot on offer there too.. Still feeling a bit rough even now, so having some fish in butter sauce and steamed veg and plenty of water.. Ian got me a running mag and they have a few runs in Cardiff to follow so I'll be doing those routes in the future..
Roll on tomorrow, I'm going to try an 8-10 miler to Newport and back..
Friday, 17 April 2009
I'm offically addicted
I went for a run yesterday another 10K, then took the kids swimming and went in with them.. Then disaster.. I got the children some chips as it was too late to cook and I pinched some, then pinched some prawn crackers and some Easter egg and....opened some dry white wine!!
I've been awful over these past three days, I've not run for two of them as I haven't had anyone to have my lot and ended up snacking and relaxing with the dreaded wine!! My next weigh in is next Monday and I know it'll be baaaaaaad.. I wanted to go for a run today but no one to have the kids, I'm desperate to run. It's like having an endorphin itch that I can't scratch. So I guess I'm well and truly addicted to running and have the running bug.
Roll on next week as things will be back to normal and not so hectic, I have booked my mum for a few step/boxercise sessions too as well as the running (scrap that she has to work :-( ). So kind of back to normality after this Easter egg filled blip!
I've been awful over these past three days, I've not run for two of them as I haven't had anyone to have my lot and ended up snacking and relaxing with the dreaded wine!! My next weigh in is next Monday and I know it'll be baaaaaaad.. I wanted to go for a run today but no one to have the kids, I'm desperate to run. It's like having an endorphin itch that I can't scratch. So I guess I'm well and truly addicted to running and have the running bug.
Roll on next week as things will be back to normal and not so hectic, I have booked my mum for a few step/boxercise sessions too as well as the running (scrap that she has to work :-( ). So kind of back to normality after this Easter egg filled blip!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
2 lb loss / 10k run
Also a 10k run under my belt!! Yesterday I went for a long run and loved it, through the streets past Waterloo gardens and almost to Roath park and back. It was again a lovely day..
I did manage to go over on my ankle on a grass verge as a slow walking lady was in front of me and seemed to move every which way I went to run. It did start throbbing later but today after a bit of RICE it's fine.
Today I'll count as a rest day as I'm off to See Russell Brand tonight and have the kids home and no time to train. Tomorrow I'm going to have a shorter run and a step class, get in a bit of Cross training to save my knees ;)
I did manage to go over on my ankle on a grass verge as a slow walking lady was in front of me and seemed to move every which way I went to run. It did start throbbing later but today after a bit of RICE it's fine.
Today I'll count as a rest day as I'm off to See Russell Brand tonight and have the kids home and no time to train. Tomorrow I'm going to have a shorter run and a step class, get in a bit of Cross training to save my knees ;)
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Best ever run an 8.9K
I'm almost up to par now and managed an 8.9k run today and loved it.. I even ran the hills and didn't stop AND got sunburnt in the glorious sun today..through Rumney and Roath and back on myself. Will definitely be looking for some 10K runs before my Cardiff half marathon. I thought I'd put a before and after photo up taken by my lovely daughter Hope.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Don't forget your sports bra!
Been so busy I've forgotten to update (insert blushing icon)..
Thursday was hectic but I managed to fit in a late night run at the gym of 8.3K..
Friday was taken up with taking the kids plus niece swimming at the International pool, 2 1/2 hours of fighting to stay above water with children hanging on my neck on the "lazy river",keeping my bathers from falling down (due to losing weight), plus throwing children around in the water. By the time I got back I was soooo tired,I think that qualifies as exercise ;)
Now today and the saga of the sports bra.. After a rushed morning I drove to Fairwater for a step class and a long run on the treadmill. Got on the treadmill and thought "the boys are bouncy", I'd only forgotten to put on my sports bra!!!
After 1 minute I gave up and drove home in a huff. Thanks to Ian he persuaded me to go for a run in the sun. I'm glad I did as it was the best ever, I didn't get tired and could have done well over the hour, also I only swallowed one fly instead of a mouthful of gnats!
So a very productive day, I can't wait to really push myself tomorrow and find a nice long route to run for the morning.. Watch this space, I might even put a before and after a run picture up of a red sweaty lady tomorrow.
Thursday was hectic but I managed to fit in a late night run at the gym of 8.3K..
Friday was taken up with taking the kids plus niece swimming at the International pool, 2 1/2 hours of fighting to stay above water with children hanging on my neck on the "lazy river",keeping my bathers from falling down (due to losing weight), plus throwing children around in the water. By the time I got back I was soooo tired,I think that qualifies as exercise ;)
Now today and the saga of the sports bra.. After a rushed morning I drove to Fairwater for a step class and a long run on the treadmill. Got on the treadmill and thought "the boys are bouncy", I'd only forgotten to put on my sports bra!!!
After 1 minute I gave up and drove home in a huff. Thanks to Ian he persuaded me to go for a run in the sun. I'm glad I did as it was the best ever, I didn't get tired and could have done well over the hour, also I only swallowed one fly instead of a mouthful of gnats!
So a very productive day, I can't wait to really push myself tomorrow and find a nice long route to run for the morning.. Watch this space, I might even put a before and after a run picture up of a red sweaty lady tomorrow.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
A bit of variety..
My mum gave me the chance to go for a run today and had the kids, only on the treadmill though as time was tight. I did an 8.7K run with some interval fast runs of 10 kmph and then down to a 9 kmph.
As my mum was on the scene today I took my friend Maggie up and went to her step class at Maindy. I was surprised as it was like I'd never left and really enjoyed it, I even had enough energy to do a 30 minute weights session on my arms. They have slimmed down a lot lately and want to tone them back to Madonna status ;)
So I've decided to do a few classes to compliment the running and to avoid injury..I think I'll be putting my Stretch card to good use in the next few months.. Boxercise next I think!!
As my mum was on the scene today I took my friend Maggie up and went to her step class at Maindy. I was surprised as it was like I'd never left and really enjoyed it, I even had enough energy to do a 30 minute weights session on my arms. They have slimmed down a lot lately and want to tone them back to Madonna status ;)
So I've decided to do a few classes to compliment the running and to avoid injury..I think I'll be putting my Stretch card to good use in the next few months.. Boxercise next I think!!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
The perils of wine and a 5 lb loss..
On a good note it was weigh in day yesterday and I was very pleased as I'd lost 5lbs *punches the air*.. Also it was the start of the Easter holidays so running is even harder to fit in!!
Loads of running around, being mum's taxi, shopping, taking the kids swimming and I kept eyeing up the chilled bottle of dry white in the fridge. Well I relented and opened it, also pinched some chocolate brownie squares. I might have had a galaxy cookie bar too, I could have passed it off as my lunch but the wine ruined my good intentions.
Today I feel very washed out, looking back I should have gone to the gym as soon as Ian got back and the craving would have diminished.. but what I've learned is yesterday has gone and today is a new day, I enjoyed the "forbidden food/wine" and now it's Tuesday.
Off to the gym for a run tonight as Ian will have the 1.5 kids but it will be a late gym time.. On a good note my mum will have the kids for an hour tomorrow, so I'll be out in the fresh air for my run and will plan a harder route and get to grips with my Garmin watch.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
My Running shoes past and present..
Top my present super comfy SAUCONY Pro Grid Omni 7 which were £85 from here : http://www.mymoti.com/cardiff/ a fantastic place to go for running shoes.

Next my asics shoes I got online (around £65) which fitted, but when I ran squeezed my feet and gave me numb toes. So I use them as they cost enough and it was too late to send them back.

Lastly are my old asics shoes which are an older version of the other asics ones. they have seen me through countless miles, a half marathon and a 10k. I got these from here: http://www.runandbecome.com/cardiff.html around £85 mark. Sadly they are now my scruffy shoes and now my "mowing the lawn" footwear *sob*
Next my asics shoes I got online (around £65) which fitted, but when I ran squeezed my feet and gave me numb toes. So I use them as they cost enough and it was too late to send them back.
Lastly are my old asics shoes which are an older version of the other asics ones. they have seen me through countless miles, a half marathon and a 10k. I got these from here: http://www.runandbecome.com/cardiff.html around £85 mark. Sadly they are now my scruffy shoes and now my "mowing the lawn" footwear *sob*
Sunday 5th April ...Running in the sun.
Was rudely awoken by the kids and felt like I'd been on an all night bender and slightly stiff in the legs (forgot to stretch oops)..
After a child's breakfast of egg and soldiers I went for a run, this time with my Garmin 301 watch. The poor thing had been in the bottom of the glass bowl in the cupboard for years. I'm pleased to say there was still life in it!! After it taking an age to connect to the sat nav for the run I set off..
I thought I'd push it further today, the sun was shinning and with The Killers in my ears it was a pleasant run.. The downside was the mouthful of gnats I had halfway back which made me retch and made my eyes stream, good job I had water on me *barf* this time I ran 7.3k, I need to find some more routes.. also need to find how to upload my route onto here as I've lost all the paperwork which came with the watch.
As it's weigh in day tomorrow I mowed both lawns, and rewarded myself with some Lady Grey tea x3 (got a tea fetish on atm too)..
Hopefully I'll have lost a bit as lots of my old clothes are starting to fit!
Saturday, 4 April 2009
4th April 09 -A summary of 2 months
I've now been shedding the weight since mid January.. Stuck in a rut (that's a different story) made me drink to destress most nights and eat unhealthy..
I'm embarrassed to say I was 15 stones 5 lbs, I ignored the fact I was getting so big and stopped looking at mirrors lol.. The good news is I have lost almost 2 1/2 stone, through stopping the bad habits and rediscovering my old love *Running*..
I have been doing around 8.1K 6 days a week and now have started the run outside. Only a 5k but around here it's damned hilly!!! Weigh in day is a Monday and I can tell I've lost quite a bit just in this past week.. Cross your fingers for me!!
Also here is a picture of my cool running socks to promote a better run with an air flap thingie!!
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